Portland Memorials Gravestones Companies that are in full support of the LGBTQ+ community!

All Metro Portland & Vancouver Wa Memorials Gravestones Companies listed below are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer friendly, and are open to and welcome all people of gender and sexual orientation.

Vancouver Wa and Metro Portland Memorials Gravestones Companies LGBTQ+ friendly Business Directory - PDX Gay Pages

Affordable Family Memorials

Affordable Family Memorials

Phone: 503-515-7640
Affordable Family Memorials is family owned and operated, providing a full range of memorial products and personalized services throughout the Portland Metro area. We are here to serve all equally. We believe that everyone deserves a beautiful, lasting, and affordable memorial.

Please call for an appointment. We are a small company and there is not always someone available for drop-in appointments.